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WWSEF Entry Registration


Register for WWSEF 2025

The Waterloo-Wellington Science and Engineering Fair will be holding an in person fair in 2025.

Registration opens January 6, 2025

January 6, 2025   Deadline for Students Wishing to Enter as Individual Entries to Contact the Registrar

Choose the most appropriate registration pathway below to begin your registration process.

WWSEF Fair Display

Learn How to Register for the Fair

School Entries:

  • Registration will require the School Contacts to “Invite” the students from their schools to participate.
  • Schools need to create an account. If your school has not created an account, contact your teacher
  • Registration generates a link to the exhibitor portion of the registration website.
  • The deadline for the signed Signature Pages is March 20, 2025.

Individual Entries:

  • Researchers working on science fair projects independently (i.e. home-schooled or attending schools with no science fair activity) should apply directly to the Registrar to participate in the fair.
  • Before beginning work on a research project these prospective participants should have contacted the Registrar prior to January 6, 2025.
  • Before you register, you should be aware of the information available on this page.

Registration Procedures

Registration for the Waterloo-Wellington Science Fair is done through an online system. School contacts create a school account and student files with basic information (e.g. student name and email address, project title). Students provide personal information and project details. For a team project of two students, both students need to be set up and invited, but just one project file has to be created.

The key registration steps are as follows (more details in next section if required):

School Registration

Teacher completes school registration and setup by February 10, 2025.

Student Invitation

Teacher invites the student to the online registration system.

Project File Creation

Teacher creates the project file for the student via online system.

Link Project to Student(s)

Teacher links project to student to continue registration.

Student Profile Completion

Student completes personal registration.

Project Registration

Student completes project registration by March 5, 2025

Signature Form

Student Download, Complete Signature Form and Submit to Teacher

Project Submission

Teacher Check and Sign Signature Form, Submit to Registrar with Fees By March 20, 2025

School contacts need to be familiar with all of the rules, regulations and guidelines of the fair as provided through this website.

Detailed Instructions

Both teachers and students need to be involved in the registration process. Please read the corresponding steps below to see full step-by-step details on what is required from the student and/or teacher during registration.

For accessibility purposes, a PDF copy is available for download using the button below.

Instructions for Teachers:

A/ School Contact Registration:

School contacts will receive a Registration System email (from science.fair@wwsef.ca) with a link to the WWSEF Registration Site (this will occur no later than  the end of January). Click on the link to go to the School Contact registration site. Follow the instructions on the screen and complete the information required.

NB! Note to return to the WWSEF Registration Site after the initial school setup. Use the following URL: registration.wwsef.ca

To log out of the system, click on the down arrow to the right of your username in the top right of the main title bar and select Log Out.

B/ Inviting Students:

Once the school has been set up, the School Contact can begin to invite students. All that is needed is the name and email address that will be used by the student. This generates an email that is sent to the student with a link to the registration system.

To add a student, click on the Students (+Add) button and then complete the required fields.

NB! For a team project, both students need to be invited.

Students can then access the email message later or, if the student is with the School Contact at the time the invitation is sent, they can access their file immediately and complete it then. This is useful in cases where a student does not have an actual email address. In this case a dummy email address such as “samsproject@gmail.com” can be used. This will serve as the student’s login and he or she can complete their personal registration if the Register Now option is selected.

Once the student begins to complete his or her personal registration information, all mandatory fields (marked with an asterisk *) must be completed before the file can be saved. Students will be able to access their file at any time (up to the registration deadline) to make changes. Please provide students with the Student Instructions PDF (see above) or ask them to review the guidelines on this website.

Once the student has completed his or her personal registration information their status on the School Management Desktop will change from Unregistered to Registered, indicated by a Green Check Mark icon beside the student’s name. However, students will not be able to complete the Project registration until they have been assigned to a project by the School Contact.

To review the student file entered click on the green check mark box icon.

C/ Adding Projects and Assigning Students:

School Contacts must also create the initial project files and link students to them. To add a project, click on the Project (+Add) button.

You will need to enter the title of the project, indicate the preferred language (English/French) and select the Category and Age Division for the project/student.

Once the project file has been created, the project can be assigned to the student. Click on the Project button and select the project for that student. Be sure to assign both students in a team to the same project.

Note that a counter beside the + Add Project button indicates the remaining number of projects that can be entered for the school. This limit is based on the eligible student population and other factors as indicated in our regulations. If the School Contact wishes to request a change to the limit, he or she should contact the registrar at registrar@wwsef.ca.

Once a student is linked to a project he or she will have access to the Project file and can complete the required information.

D/ Signature/Permission Forms:

As part of the registration process parental/guardian permission for the students (under the age of 18) to participate is required. The School Contact, or the teacher working with the student, and the student him or herself must also sign the Signature Forms. Students generate the forms by clicking on the Print Signature Sheets button.
The student should then sign them, have their parents/guardians sign them (if under 18) and submit them to the teacher supervising their work to be signed by them. The complete Signature Forms are collected by the School Contact and submitted (mailed or delivered*) to the WWSEF Registrar (see below) along with the $25 per student registration fee no later than March 20, 2025.
Please contact the WWSEF Registrar if you have any questions at registrar@wwsef.ca.

Instructions for Students:

Congratulations on being selected to participate in the 2025 Waterloo-Wellington Science & Engineering Fair (WWSEF). The instructions provided below will assist you in getting yourself and your project fully registered for the Fair. There are several key steps in the online registration as follows:

Step 1 – Teacher Invites the Student(s)

Step 2 – Teacher Creates Project File

Step 3 – Teacher links Project to Student(s)

Step 4 – Student completes Personal Registration

Step 5 – Student completes Project Registration by March 5

Step 6 – Student downloads & completes Signature Form and submits it and fee to registrar by March 20

Step 7 – Teacher
Check and Sign Signature Form, Submit to Registrar with Fees
By March 20

NB! The Student online registration close at midnight, March 5, 2025.

Please note that it is your responsibility to be aware of, and to follow all of the rules and regulations for the Fair. These can be found on this website. Go to the main menu item “WWSEF Fair” and click on the appropriate drop down item.

NB! DO NOT BEGIN ANY PROJECTS involving humans or other animals until you have approval of the WWSEF Ethics Chair, who can be contacted via ethics@wwsef.ca

A/ Personal Registration:

Your School Contact will send you an invitation to participate in the 2025 WWSEF via email through the WWSEF Registration (it will be from science.fair@wwsef.ca). The email will have a link to the registration system for you. Click on the link to go to the registration site and enter all of the required data. Be sure to take note of the password that you create. Please note that for individual entries, the WWSEF Registrar will serve as the School Contact.

All fields marked with an asterisk ” * ” are mandatory and must be completed before the file can be saved. You can access your registration file at ant time and make changes as required.

Note: To return to the WWSEF Registration Site after the initial access, use the URL – registration.wwsef.ca

If people have difficulty pronouncing your first and/or last name, please provide a pronunciation key in the indicated field.

If you have any medical conditions of which the Fair organizers should be aware, such as diabetes or an allergy for which you carry an epipen, be sure to include these in the appropriate field. Also, make sure all food allergies are listed in the field for these as well.

The Second Emergency contact is optional but if a name is entered all other mandatory fields for the second Emergency Contact must be complete as well.

B/ Project Registration:

Your school Contact will also create your Project file in the registration system by entering your project title, Category and Division.

If you are part of a team project, both you and your partner will have access to the project registration file and you need to be sure that you communicate with each other about information that is entered and any changes that are made

Click on the Edit button beside the Project section heading and enter the required data.

All fields marked with an asterisk “*” are mandatory and must be completed before the file can be saved. However, if necessary, temporary data can be entered and your project registration file can be accessed and edited later; e.g. if you do not have your full Project Summary Report completed when you first access the Project registration you can enter any data to satisfy the requirement of the field (minimum of 100 words) and enter the full Report later. This report is marked and should follow the outlined provided in the Writing The Research Report Manual on our this website.

Be sure to indicate if your project requires an electrical connection.
Note: If you require electricity for your project one standard outlet will be provided.

Be sure to indicate if your project requires a display table.
Note: A standard display space on a table, sufficient to hold the maximum display size allowed for a project is provided for each project. In some cases exhibitors construct their display such that it sits on the floor; only in this case should you not select “Requires a Table”.

C/ Safety Questions:

You need to confirm that your project adheres to the Rules and Regulations of the Fair. On your Management Dashboard, click on the Safety Form link. You need to check each item in the form.

When you come to the Fair a Rules and Safety Check will be conducted to verify that your project is compliant with the Fair’s Rules and Regulations.

D/ Signature Forms
As part of the registration process parent/guardian permission, if you are under the age of 18, is required for you to participate. This is obtained by printing a set of Signature Sheets. There is also a section for you to sign.

You print the forms by clicking on the link in the highlighted forms text.

You then sign your section, have your parent(s)/guardian(s) sign them (if under 18) and submit them to your teacher supervising you work to be signed by them and forwarded to the WWSEF Registrar along with the $25 per student registration fee.

If you have any questions you can contact the WWSEF Registrar at registrar@wwsef.ca


Make Sure Your Follow Our Rules and Regulations!

We have an entire page dedicated to our fair exhibitors, where you will find detailed guidelines for project creation, writing research reports, and more. Ethics will also be discussed on this page.

Science Fair Project: A Biosensor for Microbial Contamination